What would you do?? My boys are taking swimming lessons at a local pool. There are large, bright yellow signs posted all over stating that all boys ages 4 and up are to use the mens locker room rather than the womens locker room (with their moms). The thought of this is disturbing to me in the society we live in. I should mention, that my husband isn't available at these times to take them into the mens locker room. The pool does offer a "family dressing room" but it is just one room the size of a handicapped bathroom stall and generally there is a line a mile long waiting to use it.
I just don't feel good about sending them into the mens locker room alone knowing of all the "types" of people in the world today. I would be nothing for some other guy to molest or abuse my child in the few minutes that they are out of my sight. (Not to mention the fact that my boys are extremely friendly and willing to talk to people they don't know despite our attempts at the "don't talk to strangers" rule). Is it just time to let my boys grow up and be boys? Am I babying them? Am I being paranoid?
For now I take them with me to the womens locker room and have not had any complaints, however, today when dropping them off we stopped to use the potty and one of the aerobic teachers were using the rest room as well. She didn't say anything, but gave me the look of "uh exsCUSE me, you're breaking the rules".
What would you do???
Another random thought...
Have you ever gotten dressed in somewhat of a hurry in the dark, gone to the bathroom a few short hours later and realized your underware and shirt match exactly?? How in the world does something like that happen???
And yet, another random subject...
We went camping this past weekend. The kids and I had a great time and Anthony...well, he survived. (It should be said that my husband really does NOT like camping. He doesnt like eating outside, bugs, sleeping on the ground, being cold...etc.)
This was Elizabeths first time going camping and she did quite well. Much better than the boys did their first time. Here are some pictures from our eventful weekend. Needless to say, I am looking forward to going again next month! :)