One day, when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river, her thimble fell into the river. When she cried out, the Lord appeared and asked, "My dear child, why are you crying?"
The seamstress replied that her thimble had fallen into the water and that she needed it to help her husband in making a living for their family.
The Lord dipped His hand into the water and pulled up a golden thimble set with pearls.
"Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked
The seamstress replied, "No."
The Lord again dipped into the river. He held out a silver thimble ringed with sapphires.
"Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked.
Again, the seamstress replied, "No."
The Lord reached down again and came up with a leather thimble. "Is this your thimble?" the Lord asked.
The seamstress replied, "Yes."
The Lord was pleased with the woman's honesty and gave her all three thimbles to keep, and the seamstress went home happy.
Some years later, the seamstress was walking with her husband along the riverbank, and her husband fell into the river and disappeared under the water.
When she cried out, the Lord again appeared and asked her, "Why are you crying?"
"Oh Lord, my husband has fallen into the river!"
The Lord went down into the water and came up with George Clooney.
"Is this your husband?" the Lord asked.
"Yes," cried the seamstress .
The Lord was furious. "You lied! That is an untruth!"
The seamstress replied, "Oh, forgive me, my Lord It is a misunderstanding. You see, if I had said 'no' to George Clooney, you would have come up with Brad Pitt. Then if I said 'no' to him, you would have come up with my husband. Had I then said 'yes,' you would have given me all three. Lord, I'm not in the best of health and would not be able to take care of all three husbands, so THAT'S why I said 'yes' to George Clooney.
And so the Lord let her keep him.
This and That
I have decided my next house will not have cable, nor will there be a television in my bedroom. I have fought the battle of trying to keep the tvs off in my home but when you have 3 people (especially hubby) who are addicted to tv...well its hard to get them to keep it off. I've thought about disconnecting our cable, but then we would be without internet since they go through the same company. I have come to realize when my husband is home he is in one of three places. Either he is in his studio (in the backyard above our detached garage), outside dinking with "stuff" or he is in our bedroom watching tv. All of these things completely detach him from our family and any possible family time. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind watching a little tv now and then, and sometimes it is a complete life and sanity saver with the kids, but there is no reason why we have to have 2 tvs on 24/7...right? Come on people, get a grip...
Gripe #2...this weekends project was to turn this...

into a makeshift scrapbook room for me to work in while we are trying to sell the house. My husband was supposed to start cleaning and organizing his mess on Friday (I just had this room spotless a month ago when we listed our house) so I could move all my stuff in tomorrow afternoon...well it is now Saturday evening and not a single thing has been done...oh yeah unless you count the few hours of studio work along with the many hours of "hide-out tv watching". Grrr...maybe I should burn dinner tonight??!!
On a little lighter note...
Ryan got some candy as an early halloween gift from my inlaws today. When I asked him what types of candy he got he replied..."I got candy bars, gum...oh yeah, and TIT-sie rolls"
Gripe #2...this weekends project was to turn this...

into a makeshift scrapbook room for me to work in while we are trying to sell the house. My husband was supposed to start cleaning and organizing his mess on Friday (I just had this room spotless a month ago when we listed our house) so I could move all my stuff in tomorrow afternoon...well it is now Saturday evening and not a single thing has been done...oh yeah unless you count the few hours of studio work along with the many hours of "hide-out tv watching". Grrr...maybe I should burn dinner tonight??!!
On a little lighter note...
Ryan got some candy as an early halloween gift from my inlaws today. When I asked him what types of candy he got he replied..."I got candy bars, gum...oh yeah, and TIT-sie rolls"
Sittin' Pretty
Things I can't live without...
Not a whole lot happenin on the homefront so I thought I would blog about a few of my favorite [can't live without] products.
My first and foremost is this...
My first and foremost is this...

Heres a pic...can you tell which side I used my favorite product on??

Heres another product I love...[I actually use the fat-free hazelnut kind but they didn't have a pic available]
coffee just wouldn't be the same without it, and of course, I just can't go without the caffeine buzz I get from my coffee each morning. Trust me, you DONT want to see me before I get that first cup of caffeine flowin in my system...
Yet another fabulous product...

Yet another fabulous product...

Okay, one more...
this has saved me many times. Or at least my peace of mind. I keep this stuff everywhere...the diaper bag, the cup holder in my vehicle [after I've been out shopping, after seeing that commercial of people sneezing on the handle bars of shopping carts...eww..need I say more]. I even keep it on my window sill above my sink to use after wiping the runny noses of my daycare kids.
What is your favorite product that YOU can't live without?? Share it on your blog and I will do a post linking to all your faves...just drop me a line to let me know you did the post!

What is your favorite product that YOU can't live without?? Share it on your blog and I will do a post linking to all your faves...just drop me a line to let me know you did the post!
A good funny
I came across this blog. Theres quite a bit of funny stuff...and its all clean, rated G. Anyways I laughed pretty hard at this particular video...take a look
its titled "what old people do for fun..." (you may have to scroll down a little)
*sarah I think this is a site you would really get some good laughs at, as well as enjoy reading this site (they are written by the same person).
its titled "what old people do for fun..." (you may have to scroll down a little)
*sarah I think this is a site you would really get some good laughs at, as well as enjoy reading this site (they are written by the same person).
Starting a tag - 20 random things about myself
This is a tag I did when I first started my blog a year ago (see link below) and I realized how many things have changed, so I thought I would re-write this tag each year to keep track of life in a nutshell...
1. I have my nose pierced.
2. We are trying to sell our house.
3. I finally found a beer I actually like as long as I have lime to add to it. (Dos Equis)
4. I was going to do something big, like a tattoo, for my 30th birthday and then realized that was very stereotypical so I decided against it.
5. I run a daycare and at any given time have up to 10 children running through my home.
6. I love tv lately...mostly addicted to Greys Anatomy, CSI: Miami, Miami Ink, Ugly Betty, Extreme Home Makeover, Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters (this show really reminds me of my family..)
7. I wish I were more of a health nut and could stick to one healthy regimen instead of going back and forth between healthy and junk food.
8. I love to fly...or maybe I just love the excitement of being in airports?
9. I love to travel but don't get to do it often.
10. Cold rainy weather makes me feel lazy.
11. I can't wait to get my new Mac Book (after we sell our house)
12. I have 4 brothers, 1 sister, 4 sisters-in-law, 4 neices, 4 nephews and the family is still growing... you should see the look on a hostess' face when we walk into a busy restaurant and tell them we need a table for 14 plus 3 high chairs.
13. We usually have to wait a good hour for a table.
14. I really feel lazy today...oh, i think i already might have mentioned that.
15. I am getting really involved with my church Sunday school and am excited to see where it will go and how it will change my life as well as the children in our church.
16. My parents got a new (used) Jeep its pretty cool!
17. Im proud of my husband for following his dreams
18. I need to find some dreams of my own to follow.
19. Today is laundry day...I hate doing laundry
20. I have no idea what to write for this one. I am completely brain-zapped. Must be the weather. Have I mentioned it has rained for 3 1/2 weeks daily? For those of you who don't know...I live in a desert-like area...we almost NEVER get rain...
Okay so Im not going to tag anyone in particular but I would love all my readers to do this list. Drop me a comment if you did it so I can check out your list.
1. I have my nose pierced.
2. We are trying to sell our house.
3. I finally found a beer I actually like as long as I have lime to add to it. (Dos Equis)
4. I was going to do something big, like a tattoo, for my 30th birthday and then realized that was very stereotypical so I decided against it.
5. I run a daycare and at any given time have up to 10 children running through my home.
6. I love tv lately...mostly addicted to Greys Anatomy, CSI: Miami, Miami Ink, Ugly Betty, Extreme Home Makeover, Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters (this show really reminds me of my family..)
7. I wish I were more of a health nut and could stick to one healthy regimen instead of going back and forth between healthy and junk food.
8. I love to fly...or maybe I just love the excitement of being in airports?
9. I love to travel but don't get to do it often.
10. Cold rainy weather makes me feel lazy.
11. I can't wait to get my new Mac Book (after we sell our house)
12. I have 4 brothers, 1 sister, 4 sisters-in-law, 4 neices, 4 nephews and the family is still growing... you should see the look on a hostess' face when we walk into a busy restaurant and tell them we need a table for 14 plus 3 high chairs.
13. We usually have to wait a good hour for a table.
14. I really feel lazy today...oh, i think i already might have mentioned that.
15. I am getting really involved with my church Sunday school and am excited to see where it will go and how it will change my life as well as the children in our church.
16. My parents got a new (used) Jeep its pretty cool!
17. Im proud of my husband for following his dreams
18. I need to find some dreams of my own to follow.
19. Today is laundry day...I hate doing laundry
20. I have no idea what to write for this one. I am completely brain-zapped. Must be the weather. Have I mentioned it has rained for 3 1/2 weeks daily? For those of you who don't know...I live in a desert-like area...we almost NEVER get rain...
Okay so Im not going to tag anyone in particular but I would love all my readers to do this list. Drop me a comment if you did it so I can check out your list.
Happy Blog-iversary
One year ago I created this blog. Tomorrow I will take you for a walk down memory lane, but are a few of my first entries
1. A little about my family
2. My first tag
3. You NEVER buy me anything
1. A little about my family
2. My first tag
3. You NEVER buy me anything
Too tired to post...
but here are some pictures from Ryans birthday. Ryan turned 6 last tuesday. He got special pancakes for breakfast, Daddy took him to McDonalds for lunch, I brought cupcakes to his school for snacktime and then we had a birthday party for him that afternoon. THEN at his request, we had his family birthday party (with my family) at Chuck E. Cheese last night. We also celebrated my niece, Kaley's birthday (hers is the 18th) We had fun, but it was a BIG NEVER take 9 kids (with parental supervision) to Chuck E. Cheese on a cold, rainy Saturday night. (maybe thats why im tired today??) Anyways, we also celebrated Ryans birthday with my inlaws yesterday earlier in the day.
Happy 6th Birthday to my big boy!

So I mentioned Lizzie is walking but I wanted to post a little video of it so in years from now I have this to look back on as a reminder...and yes, that is "daddy" she says at the end, though I was the one videoing. Daddy wasn't even in the room...shows who her loyalties are to :)
Heres to happy endings...
She spent the first day packing her belongings into boxes, crates, and suitcases.
On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things.
On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining room table by candlelight, put on some soft background music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of chardonnay.
When she had finished, she went into each and every room and stuffed half-eaten shrimp shells dipped in caviar into the hollow of all of the curtain rods. She then cleaned up the kitchen and left.
When the husband returned with his new girlfriend, all was bliss for the first few days. Then, slowly, the house began to smell. They tried everything: cleaning, mopping, and airing the place out. Vents were checked for dead rodents, carpets were steam cleaned, and air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in to set off gas canisters, during which they had to move out for a few days, and in the end they even paid to replace the expensive wool carpeting. Nothing worked. People stopped coming over to visit. Repairmen refused to work in the house. The maid quit. Finally, they could not take the stench any longer and decided to move.
A month later, even though they had cut their price in half, they could not find a buyer for their stinky house. Word got out, and, eventually, even the local realtors refused to return their calls. Finally, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from the bank to purchase a new place.
The ex-wife called the man and asked how things were going. He told her the saga of the rotting house. She listened politely and said that she missed her old home terribly and would be willing to reduce her divorce settlement in exchange for getting the house back.
Knowing his ex-wife had no idea how bad the smell was, he agreed on a price that was about 1/10th of what the house had been worth, but only if she were to sign the papers that very day. She agreed, and, within the hour, his lawyers delivered the paperwork.
A week later, the man and his girlfriend stood smiling as they watched the moving company pack everything to take to their new home, including the curtain rods.
I just love a happy ending, don't you?
On the second day, she had the movers come and collect her things.
On the third day, she sat down for the last time at their beautiful dining room table by candlelight, put on some soft background music, and feasted on a pound of shrimp, a jar of caviar, and a bottle of chardonnay.
When she had finished, she went into each and every room and stuffed half-eaten shrimp shells dipped in caviar into the hollow of all of the curtain rods. She then cleaned up the kitchen and left.
When the husband returned with his new girlfriend, all was bliss for the first few days. Then, slowly, the house began to smell. They tried everything: cleaning, mopping, and airing the place out. Vents were checked for dead rodents, carpets were steam cleaned, and air fresheners were hung everywhere. Exterminators were brought in to set off gas canisters, during which they had to move out for a few days, and in the end they even paid to replace the expensive wool carpeting. Nothing worked. People stopped coming over to visit. Repairmen refused to work in the house. The maid quit. Finally, they could not take the stench any longer and decided to move.
A month later, even though they had cut their price in half, they could not find a buyer for their stinky house. Word got out, and, eventually, even the local realtors refused to return their calls. Finally, they had to borrow a huge sum of money from the bank to purchase a new place.
The ex-wife called the man and asked how things were going. He told her the saga of the rotting house. She listened politely and said that she missed her old home terribly and would be willing to reduce her divorce settlement in exchange for getting the house back.
Knowing his ex-wife had no idea how bad the smell was, he agreed on a price that was about 1/10th of what the house had been worth, but only if she were to sign the papers that very day. She agreed, and, within the hour, his lawyers delivered the paperwork.
A week later, the man and his girlfriend stood smiling as they watched the moving company pack everything to take to their new home, including the curtain rods.
I just love a happy ending, don't you?
"Can you hear me now?"
I HATE cellphone companies!!! Why is it the most incompetent of incompetent people work at these types of companies???
I recently started a new 2 year contract with a particular cellphone company. I ordered my phone from them online because they offered me an additional $50 rebate if I bought the phone online rather than in their brainer...right?? WRONG!!!
After 3 days of anticipation for my new phone that could, not only provide me with cell phone service, but would also provide me with the ability to take photos, movies, AND have real ring tones, not those dumb synthesized songs I receive THE PHONE (happy happy joy joy). I call said cellphone company to activate my phone. I spend 2 hours (give or take) on the phone with the customer service rep that spoke VERY broken english only to find out that the memory card chip thingy was bad. They tell me to go to the local cellphone store and have them "fix" it. (This is where I remind you that I run a DAYCARE out of my home) I pack up all 5 kids and run down to the local store. The gentleman there, who was extremely nice, apologized and said there was nothing he could do because I bought this fabulous phone off the internet through the cellphone company and so I had to deal with them directly. I informed him that I had already called and they told me to go visit his store. He apologized again, told me he couldn't help me "fix" my phone but did offer me some helpful information. He told me to call the company again and tell them my account was never switched over properly and this is why the memory chip card thingy wouldnt work. He offered me (for free) a new card just in case the company wanted me to ship the phone back just for the card replacement.
I take the card and all 5 kids back home where I call the cellphone company AGAIN. I explain to them what the nice gentleman told me and they said "oh, I guess you are right". After another hour on the phone they were able to "fix" my phone with the use of the new card chip thingy (thanks to that gentleman who was as helpful as could be *side note* he was not affiliated with this cellphone company, just a provider).
Sooo all should be working fine and dandy now...right??....WRONG again. I get my first bill in the mail. It is an outrageous $215. I was so irratated with this bill I threw it in the drawer and refused to look at it for a week. Finally, after calming down I rationally looked over my bill to see what the error was...because I was SURE there was an error. Sure enough...I was charged for 307 minutes at 45 cents per minute. These 307 minutes were supposed to all be FREE mobile to mobile minutes. Sooo, once again I call the cellphone company, explain to them what happened, spend another 45 minutes on the phone getting it fixed to have my bill reduced from $215 down to $62. I send payment and life goes on....right??....yup, you guessed it...WRONG AGAIN!!
I look at this months bill online...once again, its $124. Now I am starting to see red...seriously...Im at the point of arguing with this company in my head...I am going to LET THEM HAVE IT...I call...the phone rings...."thank you for calling xxx cell phone are you today" ... I completely lose my mean face..."im doing fine...thank you" I say....GEEZ what happened to the arguing?? What happened to the "Im going to let them have it" voice???
I explain to this lady that, once again, my bill is screwed up. "What seems to be the problem" she says. "Well, for starters you are only crediting me for 270 minutes per month when I am allotted 450". She said "well let me look into it...can you hold for a few minutes?" GEEZ, why not, I have spent more time on hold with your company in the last 2 months than I have actually used minutes on my phone service...GOSH!!! She comes back on the line after about 5 minutes telling me the reason I was only "given" 270 minutes was because I never signed a 2 year contract with them and out of the kindness of her heart she would alter this months bill but I should have done my part to sign the contract....
WHAT THE HECK???? SERIOUSLY???? At what point should they have gotten the idea that I was agreeing to a 2 year contract...hmmm, maybe when I ordered the phone and clicked the box that said I AGREE TO A 2 YEAR CONTRACT... or maybe when I called to activate the phone and was asked if I was signing up for a 2 YEAR CONTRACT...OR better yet, maybe it was when I called the most recent time telling them my minutes were goofed up???? COME ON PEOPLE....What is the DEAL here???? Why can't someone simply set up an account and have it run properly??? AAArrrrgggggghhhhhh - so help me if I wasn't locked into a 2 year contract I would change my service...then again, I would have to go through this whole process all over again with the next company...I mean really, get your heads out of your butts and use a computer...geez!!!!
I recently started a new 2 year contract with a particular cellphone company. I ordered my phone from them online because they offered me an additional $50 rebate if I bought the phone online rather than in their brainer...right?? WRONG!!!
After 3 days of anticipation for my new phone that could, not only provide me with cell phone service, but would also provide me with the ability to take photos, movies, AND have real ring tones, not those dumb synthesized songs I receive THE PHONE (happy happy joy joy). I call said cellphone company to activate my phone. I spend 2 hours (give or take) on the phone with the customer service rep that spoke VERY broken english only to find out that the memory card chip thingy was bad. They tell me to go to the local cellphone store and have them "fix" it. (This is where I remind you that I run a DAYCARE out of my home) I pack up all 5 kids and run down to the local store. The gentleman there, who was extremely nice, apologized and said there was nothing he could do because I bought this fabulous phone off the internet through the cellphone company and so I had to deal with them directly. I informed him that I had already called and they told me to go visit his store. He apologized again, told me he couldn't help me "fix" my phone but did offer me some helpful information. He told me to call the company again and tell them my account was never switched over properly and this is why the memory chip card thingy wouldnt work. He offered me (for free) a new card just in case the company wanted me to ship the phone back just for the card replacement.
I take the card and all 5 kids back home where I call the cellphone company AGAIN. I explain to them what the nice gentleman told me and they said "oh, I guess you are right". After another hour on the phone they were able to "fix" my phone with the use of the new card chip thingy (thanks to that gentleman who was as helpful as could be *side note* he was not affiliated with this cellphone company, just a provider).
Sooo all should be working fine and dandy now...right??....WRONG again. I get my first bill in the mail. It is an outrageous $215. I was so irratated with this bill I threw it in the drawer and refused to look at it for a week. Finally, after calming down I rationally looked over my bill to see what the error was...because I was SURE there was an error. Sure enough...I was charged for 307 minutes at 45 cents per minute. These 307 minutes were supposed to all be FREE mobile to mobile minutes. Sooo, once again I call the cellphone company, explain to them what happened, spend another 45 minutes on the phone getting it fixed to have my bill reduced from $215 down to $62. I send payment and life goes on....right??....yup, you guessed it...WRONG AGAIN!!
I look at this months bill online...once again, its $124. Now I am starting to see red...seriously...Im at the point of arguing with this company in my head...I am going to LET THEM HAVE IT...I call...the phone rings...."thank you for calling xxx cell phone are you today" ... I completely lose my mean face..."im doing fine...thank you" I say....GEEZ what happened to the arguing?? What happened to the "Im going to let them have it" voice???
I explain to this lady that, once again, my bill is screwed up. "What seems to be the problem" she says. "Well, for starters you are only crediting me for 270 minutes per month when I am allotted 450". She said "well let me look into it...can you hold for a few minutes?" GEEZ, why not, I have spent more time on hold with your company in the last 2 months than I have actually used minutes on my phone service...GOSH!!! She comes back on the line after about 5 minutes telling me the reason I was only "given" 270 minutes was because I never signed a 2 year contract with them and out of the kindness of her heart she would alter this months bill but I should have done my part to sign the contract....
WHAT THE HECK???? SERIOUSLY???? At what point should they have gotten the idea that I was agreeing to a 2 year contract...hmmm, maybe when I ordered the phone and clicked the box that said I AGREE TO A 2 YEAR CONTRACT... or maybe when I called to activate the phone and was asked if I was signing up for a 2 YEAR CONTRACT...OR better yet, maybe it was when I called the most recent time telling them my minutes were goofed up???? COME ON PEOPLE....What is the DEAL here???? Why can't someone simply set up an account and have it run properly??? AAArrrrgggggghhhhhh - so help me if I wasn't locked into a 2 year contract I would change my service...then again, I would have to go through this whole process all over again with the next company...I mean really, get your heads out of your butts and use a computer...geez!!!!
update part 2
Here are a few more updates on things that have been going on around here...
1. Elizabeth is FINALLY walking. Both the boys were walking by their 1st birthday...not Lizzie. She is 14 months and is now just starting. She still prefers to crawl the majority of the time. Last week we were sitting in the living room together and Anthony walked in. She looked at him and just walked to him, out of the blue. We were both super shocked and she was quite tickled pink with herself.
2. I learned about deep dish cookies. If you haven't ever had them...well, they are my new junk food obsession and you should try one. Take cookie dough and squish it in the bottom of a little pyrex or corningware (ovensafe) the size of a custard cup. Bake it at 350 for about 15 minutes. Take it out and put the whole dish in another bowl (to prevent spillage) Let it cool for a minute or two and then drop a good sized scoop of vanilla ice cream on top...yummm... (if you use the premade cookie dough, just use about 2-3 cookies worth) I prefer the plain ol chocolate chip cookie dough, but I have also tried the oatmeal choco chip as well as the peanut butter cookie dough and those are good too.
3. I've become completely and hopelessly addicted to Grey's Anatomy (thanks toKatie J.)
4. I've been learning to play poker. Now, growing up my brothers prided themselves on their poker abilities. Quite often they took advantage of my sister and I, taking all our pennies. Soooo, for my birthday, we played some poker and I must brag...I kicked my brothers butts along with my hubbys and brother-in-laws. Now, really Im not that great at poker it was just fun to have the biggest pile 'o chips at the end of the night :)
1. Elizabeth is FINALLY walking. Both the boys were walking by their 1st birthday...not Lizzie. She is 14 months and is now just starting. She still prefers to crawl the majority of the time. Last week we were sitting in the living room together and Anthony walked in. She looked at him and just walked to him, out of the blue. We were both super shocked and she was quite tickled pink with herself.
2. I learned about deep dish cookies. If you haven't ever had them...well, they are my new junk food obsession and you should try one. Take cookie dough and squish it in the bottom of a little pyrex or corningware (ovensafe) the size of a custard cup. Bake it at 350 for about 15 minutes. Take it out and put the whole dish in another bowl (to prevent spillage) Let it cool for a minute or two and then drop a good sized scoop of vanilla ice cream on top...yummm... (if you use the premade cookie dough, just use about 2-3 cookies worth) I prefer the plain ol chocolate chip cookie dough, but I have also tried the oatmeal choco chip as well as the peanut butter cookie dough and those are good too.
3. I've become completely and hopelessly addicted to Grey's Anatomy (thanks toKatie J.)
4. I've been learning to play poker. Now, growing up my brothers prided themselves on their poker abilities. Quite often they took advantage of my sister and I, taking all our pennies. Soooo, for my birthday, we played some poker and I must brag...I kicked my brothers butts along with my hubbys and brother-in-laws. Now, really Im not that great at poker it was just fun to have the biggest pile 'o chips at the end of the night :)
Cute things from Ben
Yesterday we decided, since the boys were pretty grouchy after church, we would have to take naps. After they slept for a while, I went in to wake them up. As soon as Ben heard my voice he sat completely upright and looked at me telling me he wasnt sleeping. I told him "Yes you were". In return he said "Nha anh I didn't see my eyes close." At that I just giggled and agreed with him that I guess he really didn't sleep.
This morning, while sitting down for breakfast Ben decided to share with his cousins something he learned at school. Here is what he said... (I had to have him repeat it just so I could get it on video...)
This morning, while sitting down for breakfast Ben decided to share with his cousins something he learned at school. Here is what he said... (I had to have him repeat it just so I could get it on video...)
I got this from Becci. I don't usually like memes because the questions are usually dumb (sorry) But this one was kinda here ya go...
(I typed this yesterday so technicallly some of these questions apply to tuesday rather than yesterday...)
1. How many keys are on your keychain? Depends on which vehicle im driving. Van, 3 keys, 'burban, 2 keys
2. What curse word do you use the most?
I don't use 'em
3. Do you own an iPod?
No, not really, though I did borrow one from DHs office. I don't use it all that often though.
4. What time is your alarm clock set for?
I don't use an alarm clock, but Im usually up between 6:30 and 7.
5. How many suitcases do you own?
I personally have 1 but we have a bunch of "extras" in the closet.
6. Do you wear flip flops even when it's cold outside?
Sometimes, especially if I've just gotten a great pedicure :)
7. Where do you buy your groceries from?
8. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Well, usually Im always the one taking the picture but secretly wish I were IN more pictures than taking them.
9. What was the last movie you watched?
Batman Begins-adult
Veggie Tales Sumo of the Opera-kids
10. Do any of your friends have children?
Yes, most of them do
11. If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?
I would pay off my technically the first thing I would buy would be my house. 2nd thing...a new MacBook.
12. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
I don't think so
13. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
14. What CD is currently in your CD player?
Goo Goo Dolls-car
15. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
hmm Im not a big milk drinker...but really, I think I would have to say coffee milk (east coast thing)
16. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
17. When was the last time someone hit on you?
last night
18. What did you have for dinner?
19. Do you wear hoodies often?
20. Can you whistle?
you betcha
21. Have you ever participated in a protest?
only if you count protesting your curfew
22. Who was the last person to call you?
my sister i think **checking cell phone log** yup, my sister
23. What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
24. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
oh im sure they do
25. What is your favorite color?
um, lately it has been sage-y/army greens
26. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
yup, the good old fashioned ones
27. How big is your local mall?
not big enough
28. How many siblings do you have?
five (4 brothers and 1 sister)
29. Are you shy around the opposite sex?
30. What is your biggest regret?
don't know that I really have any..well, maybe allowing ourselves to get into credit card debt
31. When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
not sure, its been a while
32. What movie do you know every line to?
probably the Wedding Singer or some veggie tales movies
33. Do you own any band t-shirts?
Five Face Down. Of course, I used to own a Wynonna Judd tshirt too. And probably some others at one point or another.
34. When was your last plane ride?
Heidi's wedding in 2003
35. How many chairs are at your dining room table?
36. Do you read for fun?
not usually, but I wish I had the time to do it occasionally
37. Can you speak any languages other than English?
38. Do you do your own dishes?
yes, at least until I train my kids to do them :)
39. What color is your bedroom painted?
40. Have you ever cried in public?
of course
(I typed this yesterday so technicallly some of these questions apply to tuesday rather than yesterday...)
1. How many keys are on your keychain? Depends on which vehicle im driving. Van, 3 keys, 'burban, 2 keys
2. What curse word do you use the most?
I don't use 'em
3. Do you own an iPod?
No, not really, though I did borrow one from DHs office. I don't use it all that often though.
4. What time is your alarm clock set for?
I don't use an alarm clock, but Im usually up between 6:30 and 7.
5. How many suitcases do you own?
I personally have 1 but we have a bunch of "extras" in the closet.
6. Do you wear flip flops even when it's cold outside?
Sometimes, especially if I've just gotten a great pedicure :)
7. Where do you buy your groceries from?
8. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Well, usually Im always the one taking the picture but secretly wish I were IN more pictures than taking them.
9. What was the last movie you watched?
Batman Begins-adult
Veggie Tales Sumo of the Opera-kids
10. Do any of your friends have children?
Yes, most of them do
11. If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?
I would pay off my technically the first thing I would buy would be my house. 2nd thing...a new MacBook.
12. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
I don't think so
13. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
14. What CD is currently in your CD player?
Goo Goo Dolls-car
15. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
hmm Im not a big milk drinker...but really, I think I would have to say coffee milk (east coast thing)
16. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
17. When was the last time someone hit on you?
last night
18. What did you have for dinner?
19. Do you wear hoodies often?
20. Can you whistle?
you betcha
21. Have you ever participated in a protest?
only if you count protesting your curfew
22. Who was the last person to call you?
my sister i think **checking cell phone log** yup, my sister
23. What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
24. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
oh im sure they do
25. What is your favorite color?
um, lately it has been sage-y/army greens
26. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
yup, the good old fashioned ones
27. How big is your local mall?
not big enough
28. How many siblings do you have?
five (4 brothers and 1 sister)
29. Are you shy around the opposite sex?
30. What is your biggest regret?
don't know that I really have any..well, maybe allowing ourselves to get into credit card debt
31. When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
not sure, its been a while
32. What movie do you know every line to?
probably the Wedding Singer or some veggie tales movies
33. Do you own any band t-shirts?
Five Face Down. Of course, I used to own a Wynonna Judd tshirt too. And probably some others at one point or another.
34. When was your last plane ride?
Heidi's wedding in 2003
35. How many chairs are at your dining room table?
36. Do you read for fun?
not usually, but I wish I had the time to do it occasionally
37. Can you speak any languages other than English?
38. Do you do your own dishes?
yes, at least until I train my kids to do them :)
39. What color is your bedroom painted?
40. Have you ever cried in public?
of course
What is the deal...
...with my photos not working? Is it me or blogger? I've tried reloading them, re-uploading them, etc and nothing seems to work. I've never had this problem. I noticed on other peoples sites that they seem to be missing pictures too...maybe its something with blogger. Well I will leave it alone for a few days and hopefully it will fix itself. If not I will try to re-upload my pics again. All my info on the last post isn't near as good without the pictures to go along with it. Sorry!
Its been a while
Wow, I just realized how many things have happened in the past few months that I have not posted about...
So heres a flashback post of what I have been up to...
1. Ryan started kindergarten *yay*!!! He is loving school although he lost his brand new backpack within the first 2 or 3 days of school (grrr!) Thank God I only bought him the 5$ bag and not the 20$ spiderman bag he really wanted.

2. Elizabeth turned a year old. I posted her birthday pictures, but here are a few pictures from her birthday party. She really wasn't sure what to think about her cupcake. The boys just dove into their cake on their 1st birthday so I guess I was expecting her to do the same. In fact, for the most part, she was quite lady-like.

3. I started a daycare. Finances have been tight and I was really stressed on what to do. I couldn't afford to go back to work because it would cost me more in daycare than I would get paid. Anthony has been too busy to pick up any extra side jobs, so I decided to start a daycare. Lucky for me, most of the kids I watch are my nieces and nephews which allows me the freedom I need for my "traveling" schedule.
4. I finally upgraded and got a new cellphone that is quite cute. I am able to download real ringtones (no more of that synthesized stuff). I have also learned that downloading ringtones can be the death of me :) PLUS I can take pictures AND video. The best thing...the phone was free too :) Isn't it cute??!!

5. It has already snowed for the first time of the season. Can you believe it? It was only September too. Anyways, I have a video I took with my camera just to prove that it really was snowing here...It was raining at the same time, but that doesnt matter, it still counts as the first snow :)
6. The big oucher...I turned 30 last Monday. Yup. Big. Ouch. Ugh. And no, I don't feel any older (I have been asked that quite a bit lately)
I had a goal of losing weight before my birthday and I succeeded. I've lost 20 pounds. I still have about another 10 pounds I'd like to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but at least I've lost the majority of it. I also was due for a haircut and color (too many roots showing) so I decided to go with something new. No im not going through a mid-life crisis. I just have never found a cut/color I am just really happy with so I am continually trying new things. This cut is the first one Anthony has been really "wowwed" by. Usually he says "yeah its okay" but this time he was quite impressed. So I think I might stick with this one a while.

For my birthday celebration Anthony took me to Zen Garden for dinner and then to Kohls for a shopping trip. I didn't buy much. Im always self-conscious when it comes to buying things when he is with me...soooo...Im going back on Friday without him to shop some more :) Here are some pictures of what I did buy. They look much better on than hanging on a hanger but I didn't have time to model them for you. I also got a pair of really cute sunglasses (not pictured)

Okay...theres more, but I will save that for another post...maybe tomorrow...
So heres a flashback post of what I have been up to...
1. Ryan started kindergarten *yay*!!! He is loving school although he lost his brand new backpack within the first 2 or 3 days of school (grrr!) Thank God I only bought him the 5$ bag and not the 20$ spiderman bag he really wanted.

2. Elizabeth turned a year old. I posted her birthday pictures, but here are a few pictures from her birthday party. She really wasn't sure what to think about her cupcake. The boys just dove into their cake on their 1st birthday so I guess I was expecting her to do the same. In fact, for the most part, she was quite lady-like.

3. I started a daycare. Finances have been tight and I was really stressed on what to do. I couldn't afford to go back to work because it would cost me more in daycare than I would get paid. Anthony has been too busy to pick up any extra side jobs, so I decided to start a daycare. Lucky for me, most of the kids I watch are my nieces and nephews which allows me the freedom I need for my "traveling" schedule.
4. I finally upgraded and got a new cellphone that is quite cute. I am able to download real ringtones (no more of that synthesized stuff). I have also learned that downloading ringtones can be the death of me :) PLUS I can take pictures AND video. The best thing...the phone was free too :) Isn't it cute??!!

5. It has already snowed for the first time of the season. Can you believe it? It was only September too. Anyways, I have a video I took with my camera just to prove that it really was snowing here...It was raining at the same time, but that doesnt matter, it still counts as the first snow :)
6. The big oucher...I turned 30 last Monday. Yup. Big. Ouch. Ugh. And no, I don't feel any older (I have been asked that quite a bit lately)
I had a goal of losing weight before my birthday and I succeeded. I've lost 20 pounds. I still have about another 10 pounds I'd like to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but at least I've lost the majority of it. I also was due for a haircut and color (too many roots showing) so I decided to go with something new. No im not going through a mid-life crisis. I just have never found a cut/color I am just really happy with so I am continually trying new things. This cut is the first one Anthony has been really "wowwed" by. Usually he says "yeah its okay" but this time he was quite impressed. So I think I might stick with this one a while.

For my birthday celebration Anthony took me to Zen Garden for dinner and then to Kohls for a shopping trip. I didn't buy much. Im always self-conscious when it comes to buying things when he is with me...soooo...Im going back on Friday without him to shop some more :) Here are some pictures of what I did buy. They look much better on than hanging on a hanger but I didn't have time to model them for you. I also got a pair of really cute sunglasses (not pictured)

Okay...theres more, but I will save that for another post...maybe tomorrow...
Welcome to my home
A while back Sarah had a blog post about her home. She basically gave you a tour through photos. Well, we are selling our house and since I just had to clean it spotless to take pictures for our realtor, I thought I would share them with
Welcome to my home...

Heres what it looked like when we bought it 3 years ago.

When you walk through the front door, you walk into the dining room

While standing in the dining room, if you look to your right, you will see the kitchen. Not my favorite room as far as appearance goes, but it works and I guess that is all that matters right?

If you glance straight ahead from the dining room, you will see the living room A.K.A. the kids play room when it is cold, muddy, rainy, or just plain yucky out. I realized that you would have to classify our living room as a den seeing how, very rarely, do us adults get to use this room. This has become their domain. You cant see it in the picture but in the far corner to the left I stacked all their toys so they wouldn't be in the picture.

Down the hall from the dining room you will find the master bedroom and master bathroom. I must say, out of all the rooms in my house, my bedroom is my favorite. Its warm, inviting, and just all around relaxing. I love the way these pictures came out of this room.

We recently remodeled our master bathroom as some of you know. Here are pictures of the finished project. They don't do justice at all, but the doorway was so narrow I couldn't get a better shot.

This is my other favorite room. From the day I found out I was having a girl, I started designing this room. I looked, researched, and pondered about what would be the perfect little girls room. This is what I came up with. I think this is the one room I will truly miss when we sell the house. Again, the pictures do not do justice to this room. The top is a lavender color with a sage-y green on the bottom separated by a white chair rail with adorable little ballerina girls on it.

So this is my home. Its not much, but its filled with love and warmth.

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