Ok, so I've been tagged by
Sarah and I'm supposed to write 20 random things about myself and then tag as many people as it took me minutes to write my twenty things. So I guess I will give it a shot:
1. I love juicing apples but hate cleaning the mess afterwards.
2. I grew up on the East Coast and really miss the ocean.
3. Well, I miss the suntanning and warm sand, but I could do without the water - is that odd?
4. My mom thinks im crazy for making that last statement - she loves the salt water.
5. I secretly wish I had the guts (and the body) to get a belly button piercing or very SMALL tattoo.
6. I give BIG kudos to Sarah for getting her nose pierced.
7. Sometimes I get so frustrated with my hair (cut and color) that I think about shaving my head.
8. Someday I just might do it too.
9. This random list is actually more fun than i thought.
10. My 3 kids drive me nuts sometimes and I wonder how my mom ever did it with 6.
11. I think my sister in law Jen will soon find out (she is pregnant with #4)
12. I love raisin toast but hate raisins.
13. I don't know how my husband can handle the taste of Grand Marnier (yuck)
14. I love playing games, especially when they are ones I know I can win
15. I wish I were more of a computer geek like my hubby :)
16. I hope to go back to school after my kids are in school.
17. Or perhaps I will go in to the military just so I can shave my head (movie: gi jane)
18. I just had to stop this list to give my boys a lecture about beating on each other.
19. I hate paying full price for things - I would much rather go to second hand stores.
20. I love to go shopping (thus the title of my blog...women knead the dough)
Ok, now im supposed to turn around and "tag" some others. However, since I do not know anyone else with a blog other than
Sarah (who sent it to me) I guess I will break the rules a little. Im going to tag Cindy, Anna, and Heidi. You guys can put your 20 random things in my comment section. After that, the people you tag, well, we might have to switch to email to carry that part on.