Some of you may remember me talking about my experiences with dead fish along with our fish who plays dead...
Well, today he stopped playing...what i mean is...he really did finally kick the bucket. (As I sit here typing I am trying to convince Anthony that he needs to put his computer down to go fish out the dead fish and flush 'em.)
When Ryans first fish died we went through the whole "funeral ceremony" thing (ryan actually thought it was funny to flush the poor dead fish). I just don't think I have the energy to go through all this again. It really doesn't even get Ryan that emotional or anything, I just feel bad that he has had 2 fish die since October and Bens first fish is still alive and swimmin. Perhaps I can sneak a new fish into the tank. Really the boys won't even know the difference since these fish have become my responsibility with the exception of 1 or 2 times a week the boys ask to feed their fish. Would that just be horrible? Should I really tell him?
sleepless baby
I am so tired. For the last few days Lizzie will not sleep at night. She gets up for her 2:00 feeding and then I have a hard time getting her back to sleep. If i cuddle her and rock her she will drift off but as soon as I put her into her bed she cries. Ive tried standing next to her crib and rubbing her back and her head, and ive tried letting her cry it out and its not working. This usually lasts about 2 hours at which time we both fall asleep absolutely exhausted, only to wake up an hour later for our next feeding. When will the madness end? I need some zzzzzzzz
New source of heat
resorted to using our fireplace to heat our 2000 sq ft home.
Not only have we been going through wood like crazy, it only
half heats our home. The upstairs where the kids bedroom
is stays pretty chilly. Last month (without using hardly any
heat or fireplace) our bill was $188. This month with only
using heat upstairs and the fireplace to heat the downstairs
our bill was $136.
We decided it was time for a more drastic measure. We pulled
out our fireplace doors and put in a woodstove insert. My
brother had one that he didnt need and wasnt using so he
gave it to us to use. Today my husband, father, father-in-law,
and brother put it all together. Ive heard that a woodstove can
throw a LOT of heat so we will see, hopefully this will be the
answer to our dilema. Is anyone else suffering from this
natural gas price hike?

but it gives you the general idea.
About me..
okay so I was tagged by Becky B. - I love being tagged!! So here it goes..
4 jobs you've had in your life
1. file clerk at a doctors office
2. shelf stocker @ Clubbs
3. receptionist for a real estate office
4. office manager of a construction company
4 movies you'd watch over and over again
1. while you were sleeping
2. Armageddon
3. The little mermaid
4. The wedding singer
4 places I have lived
1. Richmond, Rhode Island
2. Altoona, Pennsylvania
3. Missouri
4. Delta, Colorado
4 tv shows you love to watch
1. ER
2. American Idol
3. Related
4. Reba
4 places you have been on vacation
1. Pueblo (visiting relatives)
2. Glenwood Springs (honeymoon)
3. Norwich Connecticut
4. (i dont get out much with having 3 kiddos)
4 websites you visit daily
1. Sermon on the Mount (of Laundry)
2. Wonder Mom
3. Wells Fargo (to check bank balance)
4. Five Face &
4 favorite foods
1. a really good salad (like the one i had on sunday - thanks becci!!)
2. my MIL's homemade ravioli
3. my homemade pizza
4. peach cobbler
4 places you'd rather be right now
1. Anywhere quiet (means no kids) with my husband
2. Scrapbooking without interruptions
3. In bed, realizing it is 8:30 am and I was "allowed" to sleep in
4. A girls night out (doesn't happen very often)
4 people you tag to complete this
1. Heidi
2. Nicole (yes you Nic - you can use my comments section to post your answers)
3. Wonder Mom
4. Beautiful Mess...
Of all the things I listed, which one surprises you the most about me??
4 jobs you've had in your life
1. file clerk at a doctors office
2. shelf stocker @ Clubbs
3. receptionist for a real estate office
4. office manager of a construction company
4 movies you'd watch over and over again
1. while you were sleeping
2. Armageddon
3. The little mermaid
4. The wedding singer
4 places I have lived
1. Richmond, Rhode Island
2. Altoona, Pennsylvania
3. Missouri
4. Delta, Colorado
4 tv shows you love to watch
1. ER
2. American Idol
3. Related
4. Reba
4 places you have been on vacation
1. Pueblo (visiting relatives)
2. Glenwood Springs (honeymoon)
3. Norwich Connecticut
4. (i dont get out much with having 3 kiddos)
4 websites you visit daily
1. Sermon on the Mount (of Laundry)
2. Wonder Mom
3. Wells Fargo (to check bank balance)
4. Five Face &
4 favorite foods
1. a really good salad (like the one i had on sunday - thanks becci!!)
2. my MIL's homemade ravioli
3. my homemade pizza
4. peach cobbler
4 places you'd rather be right now
1. Anywhere quiet (means no kids) with my husband
2. Scrapbooking without interruptions
3. In bed, realizing it is 8:30 am and I was "allowed" to sleep in
4. A girls night out (doesn't happen very often)
4 people you tag to complete this
1. Heidi
2. Nicole (yes you Nic - you can use my comments section to post your answers)
3. Wonder Mom
4. Beautiful Mess...
Of all the things I listed, which one surprises you the most about me??
I hate doctors offices...
...or maybe I should say I hate health insurance companies? Why do we pay through the nose each month for insurance we cannot use? We pay a couple hundred dollars a month to our health insurance company and they are refusing to pay for my childrens well child checks. Its not that we havent met our deductible, the bill comes back as "not a benefit". So why is it that I am paying these huge monthly fees for something I cannot use?
To top it off, the pediatric place I take my children just sent me a bill. I had 3 children who all needed well child checks - at a stinkin 150$ a pop (had I known that was what they would charge I would never have gone there) So now I have this bill for over 450$. I have made a few payments of small amounts it wasnt much but it was all we had.
In todays mail I got a bill - now I dont even know if this is legal...but my doctors office is charging an 18% (per MONTH not apr) fee for all outstanding balances regardless of whether I am making payments or not. How rediculous is that??? I am just furious!! So I send a 30$ payment and receive a bill back with a 55$ interest charge.
Someone is going to hear from me come Monday morning - this is so rediculous - GRRRR!! I feel like we just can't get ahead. We can't afford the price of fuel, we can't afford the price of gas to heat our home, and now we can't afford to even go to the doctors? What type of society do we live in that it makes it so hard to even survive?
To top it off, the pediatric place I take my children just sent me a bill. I had 3 children who all needed well child checks - at a stinkin 150$ a pop (had I known that was what they would charge I would never have gone there) So now I have this bill for over 450$. I have made a few payments of small amounts it wasnt much but it was all we had.
In todays mail I got a bill - now I dont even know if this is legal...but my doctors office is charging an 18% (per MONTH not apr) fee for all outstanding balances regardless of whether I am making payments or not. How rediculous is that??? I am just furious!! So I send a 30$ payment and receive a bill back with a 55$ interest charge.
Someone is going to hear from me come Monday morning - this is so rediculous - GRRRR!! I feel like we just can't get ahead. We can't afford the price of fuel, we can't afford the price of gas to heat our home, and now we can't afford to even go to the doctors? What type of society do we live in that it makes it so hard to even survive?
New diet tactic
For those of you who are (or were) nursing at one point, did you ever notice if a low calorie diet made your infant fussy? I have been doing a low calorie diet for about 2 weeks now and my daughter has been a grouchy bear. She wants to eat more often and is hardly sleeping. I cant tell if maybe she is just coming down with something or if it is my food choices.
I think I will change my dieting tactics for now until I figure out what exactly is going on with her. For now we (my whole family is going to suffer along with me lol) are just going to cut out white flour, sugar, and caffeine (a diet my dad swears by). If nothing else, at least im eating healthy. And of course there will be my upcoming trips to the gym as well as my morning sit-ups and such. I may not lose weight but at least I will feel healthy and full of energy. I can work more on the low calorie dieting after we are done nursing. Her health is more important than my figure..right??!!
update: i just talked to my sister in law, and she said she read in a book that it is necesary for your calorie intake to be at least 2000 calories for your body to make sufficient milk for a nursing baby. YIKES. I was trying to keep my maximum daily calorie count to 1200. Oh well, I guess the dieting will have to sit on the back burner for a little while.
I think I will change my dieting tactics for now until I figure out what exactly is going on with her. For now we (my whole family is going to suffer along with me lol) are just going to cut out white flour, sugar, and caffeine (a diet my dad swears by). If nothing else, at least im eating healthy. And of course there will be my upcoming trips to the gym as well as my morning sit-ups and such. I may not lose weight but at least I will feel healthy and full of energy. I can work more on the low calorie dieting after we are done nursing. Her health is more important than my figure..right??!!
update: i just talked to my sister in law, and she said she read in a book that it is necesary for your calorie intake to be at least 2000 calories for your body to make sufficient milk for a nursing baby. YIKES. I was trying to keep my maximum daily calorie count to 1200. Oh well, I guess the dieting will have to sit on the back burner for a little while.
A great time with friends
Today has been a great day. I had a lunch "play date". My sister-in-law Jen, along with her 3 children and a friend of ours, Kara, with her little guy came over. We had a fabulous time just letting the kids all play while we sat and ate and visited for 4 hours. I also must add that I made homemade chicken noodle soup for the very first time and it actually came out good AND was low calorie!! woo hoo!! I think I will have to make that again real soon. (anthony actually came out looking to see if there was any left for him *sorry babe*)
We also made plans to start a "baby swap" amongst us. On Mondays, I will be watching all the kids while Jen and Kara have 2 hours all to themselves. Then on Wednesdays I bring my kids and Kara brings her son over to Jens house while Kara and I get 2 hours to ourselves. Then on Thursdays Jen and I bring our kids to Karas house and we get another 2 hours to ourselves.
Im really excited about this. Its been hard to find other moms who stay home and have time to do something with other moms. I am sure I will have LOTS of stories to tell as I watch all these kiddos together but for right now I am focusing on the big question.. "What will I do with my 4 hours of free time???" I am actually really excited about starting back at the gym again to regain my "girlish figure" after having my kids.
Ready or not here I come!
We also made plans to start a "baby swap" amongst us. On Mondays, I will be watching all the kids while Jen and Kara have 2 hours all to themselves. Then on Wednesdays I bring my kids and Kara brings her son over to Jens house while Kara and I get 2 hours to ourselves. Then on Thursdays Jen and I bring our kids to Karas house and we get another 2 hours to ourselves.
Im really excited about this. Its been hard to find other moms who stay home and have time to do something with other moms. I am sure I will have LOTS of stories to tell as I watch all these kiddos together but for right now I am focusing on the big question.. "What will I do with my 4 hours of free time???" I am actually really excited about starting back at the gym again to regain my "girlish figure" after having my kids.
Ready or not here I come!
Diet update
okay - so it seems like most everyone who's blog I read is doing some type of diet, and giving their updates so I guess I should post mine. I've been doing a low-cal diet (the only kind im able to have the willpower for). I have lasted 1 week and am happy to say I have lost 8 pounds (YAY) even though its mostly water weight.
Now I am not saying this to gloat that I have lost a lot in one week, Im just proud of my accomplishments and willpower. I really have a lot of weight to lose (approx 30-35 lbs) to be in my proper weight category for my height (aka pre-pregnancy weight).
Anyways, I will keep yall posted on my progress. I informed hubby on the way to church this morning but he really didn't share in my enthusiasm :( I guess this kind of thing really doesnt matter to a guy. oh well.
Now I am not saying this to gloat that I have lost a lot in one week, Im just proud of my accomplishments and willpower. I really have a lot of weight to lose (approx 30-35 lbs) to be in my proper weight category for my height (aka pre-pregnancy weight).
Anyways, I will keep yall posted on my progress. I informed hubby on the way to church this morning but he really didn't share in my enthusiasm :( I guess this kind of thing really doesnt matter to a guy. oh well.
Giggle of the Day
wow - seems im making up for lost time with not blogging over the holidays - things have finally settled down again and I have so much to share. Anyways, a friend of mine just emailed this to me and I got a really good laugh so I thought I would give you a "Giggle of the Day"
3 Thoughts
1- Zero Gravity
When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C.....The Russians used a pencil.
2 - Our Constitution
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore.
3 - Ten Commandments
The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse is that you cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal", Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians! It creates a hostile work environment.
1- Zero Gravity
When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C.....The Russians used a pencil.
2 - Our Constitution
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore.
3 - Ten Commandments
The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse is that you cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal", Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians! It creates a hostile work environment.
diet whys
why is it that, when dieting, the things you find totally repulsive on a normal day to day basis, such as hotdogs and generic macaroni & cheese find you completely drooling over the tantalizing smells simply because you know you can't have it?
thars a hole in the bucket...
Thars a hole in the bucket dear liza, dear liza, thars a hole in the bucket dear liza a hole....
Well, actually the hole isnt in the bucket...its in the the bathroom...under the shower. Recently we had been noticing some water on the floor after taking a shower - no big deal right? WRONG. This morning as my husband was in the bathroom brushing his hair, he took one step towards the shower and the ball of his foot sunk in the floor about 1 to 1 1/2 inches. We are quite sure the shower must have leaked enough water over the years (more than the 3 yrs we have owned the house) to weaken and/or rot the support under our bathroom. So it looks like that will be our spring time project. We haven't crawled under the house yet to see the damage so I will know more later on but for the time being thank God we have a 2nd bathroom with another shower to use. I just pray it ends up not being too expensive to repair...does anyone know if insurance covers anything like this??
Well, actually the hole isnt in the bucket...its in the the bathroom...under the shower. Recently we had been noticing some water on the floor after taking a shower - no big deal right? WRONG. This morning as my husband was in the bathroom brushing his hair, he took one step towards the shower and the ball of his foot sunk in the floor about 1 to 1 1/2 inches. We are quite sure the shower must have leaked enough water over the years (more than the 3 yrs we have owned the house) to weaken and/or rot the support under our bathroom. So it looks like that will be our spring time project. We haven't crawled under the house yet to see the damage so I will know more later on but for the time being thank God we have a 2nd bathroom with another shower to use. I just pray it ends up not being too expensive to repair...does anyone know if insurance covers anything like this??
The Mommy Test
this was sent to me by a good friend of mine. I got a good giggle out of it, so maybe you will too - even if you aren't a mom (yet) ;)
The Mommy test
I was out walking with my then 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth and I asked her not to do that.
"Because it's been laying outside and it is dirty and probably has germs."
At this point, she looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Wow! How do you know all this stuff?
"Uh," I was thinking quickly, "...all moms know this, it's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy."
We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you flunk, you have to be the Daddy."
I was out walking with my then 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth and I asked her not to do that.
"Because it's been laying outside and it is dirty and probably has germs."
At this point, she looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Wow! How do you know all this stuff?
"Uh," I was thinking quickly, "...all moms know this, it's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy."
We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you flunk, you have to be the Daddy."
relaxing...for me

For me, today was a great day for a girls day out. My sister recently moved into her own apartment. She needed some assistance furnishing and decorating her home. We spent the day shopping @ 2nd hand stores trying to find her everything from a microwave and a toaster down to towels, wash cloths and tupperware. She managed to get a pretty decent amount of stuff for under 40$. (yay for thrift stores!!) We took Elizabeth with us and she was just as well behaved as she could be - didn't even make a peep all snuggled in my sling. All in all it was a pretty relaxing day. I LOVE Saturdays!!!
Playing Catch-up
Ok, so I guess this is my catch-up post. So much has happened since my last post Im not sure where to begin. Well first there was Christmas. Christmas was pretty good. We had my boys' Christmas program for their preschool. They did a shadow puppet show about Jesus' birth. It was very cute.

We spent Christmas Eve day with my in-laws. They showered my children with lots of gifts, one of which was an electronic drum set for my boys, (yikes!) and Elizabeth got lots of cute clothes (have i mentioned i LOVE having a girl?).

Christmas Eve we went to church, followed by our family tradition of watching "The Grinch". Christmas morning we woke up and did our little mini family gift swapping.

Afterwards we headed to my parents house. We do not exchange gifts among my siblings and parents. There are so many people in my family (I have 5 siblings and most all are married, or soon to be). We just all buy gifts for the neices and nephews. The kids had lots of fun opening all their gifts. 2 of my brothers reinacted the story of Jesus' birth using my moms wooden manger set. The kids loved hearing the story.

Afterwards, we followed with the tradition my dad started where we all sit down as a big family and he challenges each individual and/or couple with a thought for the new year. He sits and reflects on the past year with us, how each of us have changed or grown, as well as prays for each of us. Its always an enjoyable and inspiring time, one of my most favorite things about Christmas. The one downfall to Christmas this year was that one of my brothers showed up stoned. He has had a battle with drugs for the past 5+ years. He was clean for at least 3 and recently fell back into it. It put a real damper on the day. He showed up a few hours late, stayed for 1/2 an hour and then left. It was really rough on everyone since we all knew what was going on.
Then there was New Years. We spent New Year's in Winter Park where my husband (the bass player) and his band played a concert. We had a great time and met some great people as well as had the opportunity to catch up with some old friends.

This is how Elizabeth and I spent the weekend
(yes, shes in there somewhere - i love my sling)
We got back in town late Monday night and Tuesday morning started back to our normal schedule. The kiddos had preschool (ugh 7:30 came early that morning), I had lots of laundry and house cleaning to do, as well as grocery shopping. Now here we are, Thursday night - I am still not sure where this week went but anxiously await the weekend to catch up on some much needed sleep. I now just realize it took me almost 2 hours to completely write this blog...Well its 11:30 and i am heading to bed. Hope you enjoyed my update. Good Night!

We spent Christmas Eve day with my in-laws. They showered my children with lots of gifts, one of which was an electronic drum set for my boys, (yikes!) and Elizabeth got lots of cute clothes (have i mentioned i LOVE having a girl?).

Christmas Eve we went to church, followed by our family tradition of watching "The Grinch". Christmas morning we woke up and did our little mini family gift swapping.

Afterwards we headed to my parents house. We do not exchange gifts among my siblings and parents. There are so many people in my family (I have 5 siblings and most all are married, or soon to be). We just all buy gifts for the neices and nephews. The kids had lots of fun opening all their gifts. 2 of my brothers reinacted the story of Jesus' birth using my moms wooden manger set. The kids loved hearing the story.

Afterwards, we followed with the tradition my dad started where we all sit down as a big family and he challenges each individual and/or couple with a thought for the new year. He sits and reflects on the past year with us, how each of us have changed or grown, as well as prays for each of us. Its always an enjoyable and inspiring time, one of my most favorite things about Christmas. The one downfall to Christmas this year was that one of my brothers showed up stoned. He has had a battle with drugs for the past 5+ years. He was clean for at least 3 and recently fell back into it. It put a real damper on the day. He showed up a few hours late, stayed for 1/2 an hour and then left. It was really rough on everyone since we all knew what was going on.
Then there was New Years. We spent New Year's in Winter Park where my husband (the bass player) and his band played a concert. We had a great time and met some great people as well as had the opportunity to catch up with some old friends.

We got back in town late Monday night and Tuesday morning started back to our normal schedule. The kiddos had preschool (ugh 7:30 came early that morning), I had lots of laundry and house cleaning to do, as well as grocery shopping. Now here we are, Thursday night - I am still not sure where this week went but anxiously await the weekend to catch up on some much needed sleep. I now just realize it took me almost 2 hours to completely write this blog...Well its 11:30 and i am heading to bed. Hope you enjoyed my update. Good Night!
Star Wars
Ok, so I know it has been a while since I've written - sorry about that. Things have been crazy and hectic here. I will write more later, but wanted to share this little tidbit.
For Christmas my children "bought" the Star Wars episodes I, II, and III for Anthony. We have been watching them almost nonstop since. My 3 yr old is especially into all the characters, mainly Toyota and Alligator (Yoda, and Darth Vader).
For Christmas my children "bought" the Star Wars episodes I, II, and III for Anthony. We have been watching them almost nonstop since. My 3 yr old is especially into all the characters, mainly Toyota and Alligator (Yoda, and Darth Vader).
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