
About me..

okay so I was tagged by Becky B. - I love being tagged!! So here it goes..

4 jobs you've had in your life

1. file clerk at a doctors office
2. shelf stocker @ Clubbs
3. receptionist for a real estate office
4. office manager of a construction company

4 movies you'd watch over and over again

1. while you were sleeping
2. Armageddon
3. The little mermaid
4. The wedding singer

4 places I have lived

1. Richmond, Rhode Island
2. Altoona, Pennsylvania
3. Missouri
4. Delta, Colorado

4 tv shows you love to watch

1. ER
2. American Idol
3. Related
4. Reba

4 places you have been on vacation

1. Pueblo (visiting relatives)
2. Glenwood Springs (honeymoon)
3. Norwich Connecticut
4. (i dont get out much with having 3 kiddos)

4 websites you visit daily

1. Sermon on the Mount (of Laundry)
2. Wonder Mom
3. Wells Fargo (to check bank balance)
4. Five Face Down.com & MySpace.com

4 favorite foods

1. a really good salad (like the one i had on sunday - thanks becci!!)
2. my MIL's homemade ravioli
3. my homemade pizza
4. peach cobbler

4 places you'd rather be right now

1. Anywhere quiet (means no kids) with my husband
2. Scrapbooking without interruptions
3. In bed, realizing it is 8:30 am and I was "allowed" to sleep in
4. A girls night out (doesn't happen very often)

4 people you tag to complete this

1. Heidi
2. Nicole (yes you Nic - you can use my comments section to post your answers)
3. Wonder Mom
4. Beautiful Mess...

Of all the things I listed, which one surprises you the most about me??

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Too funny, I tagged you too before I even saw this!