
Diet update

okay - so it seems like most everyone who's blog I read is doing some type of diet, and giving their updates so I guess I should post mine. I've been doing a low-cal diet (the only kind im able to have the willpower for). I have lasted 1 week and am happy to say I have lost 8 pounds (YAY) even though its mostly water weight.

Now I am not saying this to gloat that I have lost a lot in one week, Im just proud of my accomplishments and willpower. I really have a lot of weight to lose (approx 30-35 lbs) to be in my proper weight category for my height (aka pre-pregnancy weight).

Anyways, I will keep yall posted on my progress. I informed hubby on the way to church this morning but he really didn't share in my enthusiasm :( I guess this kind of thing really doesnt matter to a guy. oh well.


Danielle said...

Eight pounds! That's amazing! Keep up the good work!

McBunni said...

Yea water weight loss! You gotta love that first week! Keep up the good work...it might help to switch to whole grains too. MAKE your family eat healthy with you, it will help emensly!