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Due to all this allergy stuff with Lizzie, I have switched her to cloth diapers. I know most of you are saying..no way, its hard enough to take care of an infant, nevermind having to WASH diapers.. but actually I am finding I really like using cloth diapers. I would have never guessed that about me. Im usually all about convenience. Yes, cloth diapering is a whole lot more work but it is sooo much better for my babys bottom. Especially if it ends up being one of her allergies!

Now...the cool thing, is now adays theres not just the plain old white ugly cloth diapers and pins - there is a whole new realm out there to cloth diapering. My latest interests are called Wool Longies or Wool Soakers. Basically these are little shorts and pants made from really soft wool that go over cloth diapers that fasten with velcro. I don't even know how to describe them to you other than to show you this LINK. Scroll down the page and take a look at all the pictures of the pants this lady has made. There are other type too but I will have to share those later.

Therefore, since these cute, adorable wool covers and diaper wraps are expensive to buy brand new, I am going to make my own...yup, i can sew (i bet you didnt know that about me either, though i dont know any of the complicated stuff i can run a sewing machine). I am also learning to knit too. So I will be sharing more about this stuff as I "get my feet wet" in this new endevor.

1 comment:

McBunni said...

I looked at that link...those wool things look SO uncomfortable. How do they work? You would think you'd need those rubber pants from the "olden days." :)