
A weekend to look forward to

I must say I am very excited for this weekend. I have my awesome hubby all to myself (well besides sharing him with our 3 children). No concerts, no practice, nothin but family time YAY! We have a fun packed weekend planned. Saturday we are going on a hayride with everyone from church and then having a bon fire. Sunday we are having a family dinner with my parents, siblings, neices, and nephews along with some old friends who have been in the Ukraine doing missionary work. I love when we all get together - its not very often that we can all be in the same place at the same time so this will be great. I'll keep you posted on how the weekend goes.

1 comment:

McBunni said...

Yea! Free time! My hunny and I are gonna watch a movie on Friday and since he will be GONE for Halloween (boo-hoo!) we're gonna carve a pumkin this weekend! It's good to have lots of gigs, but time off is good too.