YUP, that would be CHICKEN POX. Ryan started about 8 days ago. Needless to say he is driving me a little nutty being home and bored. Im expecting Lizzie to start any day now. I did not have any intention of immunizing my kids against CP simply because they were claiming it was only 70-80% effective. Somehow Ben managed to get that immunization...so for his sake, hopefully the immunization works.
I will probably be off blogger for a little while until this clears out of my house !! :)
Oh...you poor momma! Well, at least they're getting them now when they're not so bad- they're supposed to be worse the older you are when you have them. I'm interested to see if Ben's immunization works, Drew has been immunized. I thought it would be a good thing, since once you've had chicken pox, you can get shingles as an adult (same virus, supposedly) and those are no fun!
I got the CP when I was young....never got the chicken pox, but I'm always afraid that it didn't really work and I'd end up with the adult version. I think I'll stay away from Anthony today, just in case! :)
Good luck...I hope everyone gets better quickly!
Oops, that's s'posed to say "CP shot"...sorry!
is this one of the wonderful milestones of mother hood I can look forward too? Good luck with the kids.
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