First let me start with a funny story of something that happened to me today...
I was out running my list of long errands, one of which included stopping at the post office to mail off some packages. Lizzie was with me and was carrying around her pooh bear sticker she got from the bank. As I finished paying for my postage I picked Lizzie up to leave. A lady who was in line a few people behind me said "Excuse me miss, you dropped something". I realized LIzzie had dropped her sticker so I set Lizzie down to pick up her sticker and the same lady remarked at how cute she was. She told me to have Lizzie pick out a stuffed animal that was hanging on the chain next to the register. (Do all post offices have these or just mine??) Anyways, I nicely told her "thanks, but no thanks". She insisted so I thought, what harm could it do, right?
So Lizzie picks this one out...

we get out to the car and as Im buckling Lizzie in her carseat I decide to remove the tag off the bear so she doesnt eat it. Thats when I noticed this....

I wonder if this nice lady knew she was buying my drooling, slobering daughter an $11 (plus tax) very small stuffed animal??
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