Here are some pictures and a little bit about my family.
Ryan just turned 5. He adores his daddy and wants to be just like him.
Benjamin is 3 1/2. He fights for his own identity.
He doesn't want to be like anyone else but Ben.
My boys love dinosaurs, books, trains, and their daddy's music.
Elizabeth is almost 3 months. She is my little angel. Some of her nicknames are peanut, momma's lil sweet pea, and little guacamole (given to her by her big brother)
Then there is my totally fabulous hubby, Anthony. He is a great dad and a great husband. I adore him more than words can say and would do anything for him. He is a computer technician by day and a christian rock band bass guitarist by night. He adores his children and cherishes his time with them, and for that he is even more awesome!
And what about me?
Well, you will learn more about me as time goes on...
I can't believe how big and cute Elizabeth is getting! What a sweetie. And Ryan kind of looks like Elton John with those glasses- LOL!
What a remarkable family you have Prudence! It sounds like you keep things in perspective, too, so good for you! Congratulations on the newest addition. She is sooo cute! Heidi let me know what you've been up to so I decided to check the blog scene out. I haven't seen you for a couple of years and hope to be able to keep in touch with you and yours. Tell your family I said "Hi!" and have a wonderful weekend.
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