
"but I didn't"

I came across this email I had sent to a friend of mine and realized I had never blogged this. This actually happened a year ago but its too good not to share...

Some of you may laugh, and some of you may...well...it may turn your stomach (if you are squeemish) but regardless, if you have kids of your own, or if you know my kids well, you are sure to be able to relate on some level. So here it goes...

Im sitting here at my computer, checking my email and quietly eating my lunch while my 2 boys are watching Aladdin (giving me a few moments of sanity) when I hear my 3 year old cough. Odd, I thought, wonder if hes getting a cold. I look over to see him sticking his fingers down his throat. Typical boy, I thought, trying to make himself throw up (he is fascinated by bodily functions like gagging and burping as well as a few others i wont mention).

Now lately my 3 yr old has been pretending to be sick because he really likes to eat vitamin Cs. So im thinking hes doing this to make me think hes sick...right??? WRONG....as I am watching him, he proceeds to throw up...all over my freshly shampooed carpet. I yell at him to stop sticking his fingers down his throat as I grab the nearest towel...trying to save my carpet. I make it just in time to catch the first "blow" in the very small wash cloth in my hand. I tell him to walk to the kitchen...well, run is more like it. We make it just in time to grab another towel for the second "blow"...and Lo and Behold...there it was, a brand new shiny penny. He looks at me with this sheepish grin while I, of course, reprimand him about putting things in his mouth and how he could choke...he looks at me and says "BUT I DIDN'T" .

sometimes I dont think I will ever survive being a mom. Oh, and by the way, my 3 yr old is just fine. He went back to watching Aladdin with his older brother, giving me enough time to sit here and tell you all this story and try to finish my lunch...i think i may have lost my appetite though...


McBunni said...

"But I didn't"?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

Why do kids lie to you face like that?

That surprises me. I could see Ryan doing something like that, but not little Ben! :)

sarahgrace said...

Ah yes, I remember that story...eew.