
Job Update

Well, I still have not found a job yet. I had 2 offers, one had absolutely no flexibility (if my kids were sick I would have to bring them to work with me) and to tell you the truth, im not THAT desperate, the 2nd was actually a daycare job but the person hiring me changed their minds and decided they couldn't afford it for the time being. Soooo that sends me back to the employment drawing board. I am torn between my place being at home with my children and helping my husband with paying the bills.

This summer is going to be tough. Usually Anthony does a lot of computer side jobs to help supplement our income. This year is going to be quite different as he will not be around most of the summer. We are actually looking at renting out one of our bedrooms in our house to my sister's boyfriend. He will be here for the summer and will need a place to live. At least this will help with the bill paying. Please continue to keep us in your prayers that God will strongly show me where I need to be...whether at home, or back in the workplace.

1 comment:

McBunni said...

What about Pampered Chef??? You have the whole book full of stuff already! Be a demonstrator!

Good luck finding a job that's flexible with your kids. You could always just go part time at the Wal-Mart or something and leave the kids at Mom's.