

At 9 months old, Elizabeth has finally figured out how to feed herself. Now there are pros and cons of this. The pros...I can sit her in her high chair with a handful of rice puffs and it will keep her quiet and entertained for at least a good 15 minutes, on the other hand, the cons...she picks up and eats EVERY little thing off the floor. It has been so long since I've had crawlers around I forgot about having to make sure all floors are completely spotless and clean. Now the other con that comes along with feeding herself is that she is learning to chew...and by that I mean learning to bite. hard. Even though she doesn't have any teeth yet, it still hurts. (remember I'm still nursing). Tonight was the first time she had ever tried it. OUCH! Man that alone is enough to make you want to quit nursing. Hopefully this was the first and last time for that.


sarahgrace said...

Oooh, your lucky, no teeth yet! (That really sucks.) If you make a big fuss about the biting (like yelping really loud) it'll scare her and she probably wont do it again. You might be a little paranoid for awhile, but it'll pass. ; )

McBunni said...

OMG! Owy!