
Got Goosebumps

Today when I went out to check the mail I, somewhat unexpectedly, received Ryan's kindergarten pre-registration. Im in shock. My baby's growing up. In a short 6 months time he will be in school. This is so bittersweet to me. A portion of me is excited for the things he will learn, as well as the time it will give me, however, its such an odd realization. I've had 5+ years "alone" with him and now he is becoming his own person.

Next Monday we go to have his prekindergarten screening. He is very excited - this is just one step closer in his mind to him being able to attend "the big kid school" and ride "the big yellow bus". I, on the other hand am wondering if we can call in sick.

1 comment:

Becky Behrens said...

Don't worry! Before long you be thinking, "Didn't they just have a day off last week? Why do they get so many days off?"